Meet the Founder, Cassian Bellino
When I felt the pull to start the *Biblically Speaking* podcast, it wasn’t a dramatic revelation, but a persistent nudge. Over the years, I had countless conversations about faith—what began as casual discussions often grew into deeper reflections.
I realized that people asked the same questions I once asked, wrestled with similar doubts, and shared insights that resonated with me. I realized I wasn’t just interested in theology—I was driven by it, needing a space to unpack and connect with others around the questions that kept me up at night.
How it all began...
I used to pray, consistently, “Lord, I want to want You.” I knew He was the answer, but I wasn’t on fire for Him. And I knew why: I didn’t know Him.
How could I love someone I didn’t know?
I did my best, going to non-denominational and Russian Orthodox churches every Sunday, even joining weekly bible studies and listening to morning devotionals. But I couldn’t get over the knowledge gap - who are these characters, when is this taking place, why is that specific request about x, y, z important? I was stuck in the details and, to be honest, I didn’t “get the hype.” If I'm being 100% honest, Christianity was a big cringe.
But the Lord kept a seed in my heart. I remember one day over lunch in 2018, I vented to a friend, half-joking: “I just wish there was someone who could break it all down, clearly and factually, so I didn’t have to guess.”
My online searches left me frustrated, and even when I asked my pastor for more context, her advice was to study on my own or go to seminary. Unsatisfied with my options to stay confused or enroll in university, I remained a lukewarm Christian.
Five years passed, and that desire hadn’t faded. With some nudging from close friends, family, and what I now recognize as a gentle prompting from God, I realized I couldn’t keep waiting for someone else to create this resource. If I wanted to make the Bible accessible, maybe I was the one who had to do it. Once I took that first step, doors started to open. God put theologians, PhDs, and scholars right in my path—people with years of knowledge and a heart for sharing it. I began interviewing them, sometimes for hours, and started building what would become *Biblically Speaking*.
With every conversation, every page of Scripture studied, the Bible became clearer, simpler, and, most importantly, transformative. Now, through hundreds of hours of interviews and insights from some of the world’s most respected scholars, Biblically Speaking exists to make the Bible understandable, approachable, and powerfully relevant to everyday life. It’s been a journey of learning, one that has completely changed me—and I’m here to share it with you.

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