Biblically Speaking has been honored to host 30+ globally renowned theologians, biblical scholars, professors, PhDs, and pastors. Here are a few of the most notable guests...
Meet the scholars on Biblically Speaking
Ken Ham
Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular attractions: the acclaimed Creation Museum and the internationally known Ark Encounter, which features a life-size 510-foot-long Noah’s Ark—sometimes described as the “8th Wonder of the Modern World.” Each year, the two attractions host over 1.5 million guests.
Pastor Douglas Wilson
Douglas Wilson is the senior minister of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho. He was a founder of Logos School, a founder of New St. Andrews College, and a founder of ACCS. He is married to Nancy and has three married kids and seventeen grandkids. He regularly blogs at
Dr. John Walton
John H. Walton (Ph.D. Hebrew Union College) is Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Wheaton College and Graduate School where he taught for twenty-two years. Dr. Walton has authored or edited over 50 books, among them commentaries, reference works, textbooks, scholarly monographs, and popular academic works. His areas of expertise include the importance of the ancient Near East for interpreting the Old Testament as well as the dialogue between science and faith.
Dr. Hugh Ross
Astrophysicist and author Hugh Ross is founder and senior scholar of Reasons to Believe, an organization that researches and communicates how discoveries about nature harmonize with the words of the Bible.
Dr. Gary Yates
Dr. Gary Yates has a PhD in OT Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary; Have taught OT and Hebrew at the grad or undergrad level for over 20 years (at Cedarville University and then at Liberty University since 2003). He serves as the Senior Pastor at Living Word Baptist Church in Forest, VA. Author and co-author of The Message of the Twelve, Urban Legends of the Old Testament, and Encountering the Old Testament. To learn more, check out his website/podcast called Living Word Press (
Dr. Tim Yonts
Dr. Tim Yonts holds a Master of Divinity from Liberty University and a PhD in Theological Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary where he specialized in ethics. Dr. Yonts is currently an adjunct professor at Liberty University where he teaches courses in theology, worldview, apologetics, and ethics. He’s also the co-host of the Psych & Theo podcast, a show that tackles contemporary issues at the intersection of psychology and theology.
Dr. James Sedlacek
James E. Sedlacek received his BA from God's Bible School & College, his master's from MDiv Cincinnati Christian University, and his PhD from Nazarene Theological College. James is currently Professor of Biblical Languages at the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies, teaching several levels of Greek and Hebrew and developing exegesis courses. Additionally, James is examining the special syntax of infinitives, certain patterns of repeating conditional clauses, and the lexical meaning of hapax legomena. His interests include examining texts in various languages using linguistic methods and critiquing interpretations of those texts.
Dr. Josh Waltman
Dr. Josh Waltman is a professor of theology and apologetics at Liberty Theological Seminary in Lynchburg, VA. He holds a PhD in Theological Studies with a concentration in apologetics from Columbia International University. His dissertation focused on trinitarian theology and theistic responses to the problem of divine hiddenness. He also holds degrees in philosophy and religion, theology and apologetics, theological studies, and library science. A life-long Virginian and ordained pastor, Josh has served churches throughout the state in roles that include elder, itinerant preacher, and teaching pastor.