Do you wish you could raise your hand in church?
We break down the Bible with scholars to make Scripture make sense.

The Origin of Biblically Speaking
There’s a reason the Bible has been a bestseller for millennia. But for some it's daunting to open and difficult to understand; I felt the same way. So when I started asking questions, I also pressed "Record." Biblically Speaking is for curious, sometimes confused, Christians who want straightforward answers to big Bible questions.

Get Your Free Guide
We live in a modern world, and as Christians we seek to understand an ancient text. After hundreds of hours interviewing Biblical scholars, I've had quite a few "Aha!" moments in the Word of God, illuminating entirely new meanings. To summarize my findings, I've created a free guide outlining the accurate interpretation of 7 popular Bible verses.
Access my free guide to relearn my top 7 Bible verses with correct understanding

The Biblically Speaking Podcast

Since October of 2023, every week I’ve sat down and interviewed a biblical scholar, theologian, or PhD-level scholar to ask my entry-level Bible questions. Global scholars like Ken Ham, Dr. John Walton, Dr. Hugh Ross, and more have explained to me questions ranging from Creation to Revelation, and, Nephilim to Homosexuality. No questions are off the table and no explanations are left undiscussed.
I recorded these conversations so now you too can listen and unlock the beautiful Living Word God wants us to know.
Where to Listen to Biblically Speaking...

When you join Biblically Heard, you'll immediately have access to:
Live Q&A Calls with Biblical Scholars
30+ Bible Studies
Summary Guides for Complex Topics
An Active Community of Supporting Members
Weekly Newsletter
Are you satisfied with the Biblical tools available to you?
I wasn’t, and I knew what I needed: a community, a place to relate to others in my position, the opportunity to chat with scholars, and Bible studies that actually helped me study biblical topics that weren’t discussed in church. So, I created just that—a free community that focuses on answers, truth, and growth for those seeking more.​
Welcome to
Biblically Heard

Talee Auerswald
I am addicted to this podcast! The host has such a pure and open heart to learn more about the Christian worldview through the word of God and gives such a great space to her guests to share their knowledge. This podcast makes you think beyond just the moment—the episodes linger with you.
Nov 19, 2024
Jesus Saiz
It has been a long journey in my walk with the Lord since 2002 when I became a new born Christian And as I went through different seasons on my growing I had different Brothers & Sisters influencing me And now this podcast had fueled me big time and helping me to grow more in His image and identify in Jesus Also had give me new insights of different books and Biblical characters I had and I will continue to share this Plataforms to friends who are hungry for the Lord Keep on doing the good work amd keep it up.... Jesus is king 👑
Nov 19, 2024
Paige Hanna
Loved being on the show to chat a bit about spiritual growth, the spirit world and a little on our testimonies. The host is eager for knowledge, loves The Lord and wants to honor Him in all things on her platforms!
Nov 20, 2024